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Jobs and Careers at Geopharma in Egypt – Join Us Today!


Pharmaceuticals . Damietta, Egypt . 51-100 employees
Jobs and Careers at Geopharma in Egypt – Join Us Today!


Pharmaceuticals . Damietta, Egypt . 51-100 employees

Company Profile

Location:Damietta, EgyptIndustry:PharmaceuticalsCompany Size:51-100 employees

Geopharma is a local well established company. The company was established in 2005, Geopharma is a toll manufacturing company, most of the products manufactured in Marcyrl for pharmaceutical industries. Geo pharma has several products in the market and other products under registration process in Egyptian M.O.H The current products are: Zocozet, Geonicotal, Geocand plus, Hct georetic, Norvapril, Geo pota K, Neo-ketadex, Turbovitra, Geo oralog. In the near future the company will have p ... See More

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